Professional Services

Marsh McLennan Agency is a leading expert within the different facets of the professional services industry, offering tailored solutions to businesses in fields such as legal, municipal, and financial. With a team of experts, we understand the unique challenges faced by firms and provide support to help minimize risk and maximize health.

Comprehensive solutions for professional services

We work with a wide range of clients to find solutions that meet the needs of organizations in the professional services industry.

Retirement Services

Our team of experts will work closely with professionals in this sector to create personalized retirement plans that align with their current financial situation, desired retirement lifestyle, and long-term investment goals. We can analyze their existing retirement accounts to optimize their investment choices and maximize potential returns.

Mergers & Acquisitions

We offer solutions to firms involved in M&A to protect you from financial losses from specific risks associated with the transaction.

Cybersecurity Services

Our team can help identify your firm’s potential exposures and develop cybersecurity solutions to protect your sensitive data.

Employee Health & Benefits

Attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for professional service firms. Our team of experts have a deep knowledge of the industry and provide comprehensive employee benefits solutions based on the well-being of your organization.

What sets us apart

We have developed innovative and proprietary tools, resources, and programs to address the risks facing professional services.

  • Increasing competition

  • Talent acquisition

  • Evolving client expectations

  • Technology disruption

  • Regulatory compliance

  • Work-life balance

Specialized coverages for professional services

Marsh McLennan Agency offers a range of specialized coverages for the professional services industry that provides tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of professionals.

Professional Liability

In case a client alleges that their professional service caused harm or financial loss, this coverage protects your company against claims of negligence, errors, or omissions in the service you provided.

Cyber Liability Insurance

This coverage protects your business from cyber-attacks and data breaches that can cause your company a damaged reputation or financial loss.

Employment Practices Liability (EPL)

Professionals often encounter employment related claims, such as wrongful termination, discrimination, or sexual harassment allegations. EPL provides coverage for legal defense costs and potential settlements arising from claims.

Crime Insurance

Professionals handling client funds or sensitive financial information may face risk related to theft, fraud, or embezzlement. It provides coverage for losses resulting from criminal acts committed by employees or third parties.

Risk Management Services

Our commitment is to provide clients with a proactive risk management that includes a combination of risk assessments, program development, and education services common areas of focus may include:

Cyber Playbook

Companies have experienced significant changes to their cyber insurance. This volatility has caused major market disruptions, new claims trends, and clarity on who the hackers are targeting. It’s imperative companies employ preventive measures that safeguard their networks. Our Cyber Playbook provides a deep dive into cyber issues, prevention & response best practices, approaches, and industry trends.

Employee health & benefits for financial institutions

MMA built the following employee benefit services specifically to support financial institutions.

Expert insights, trends and strategies for professional services

Frequently asked questions

Yes! We cater to professional services firms of all sizes, including small firms. We understand that small firms face unique challenges and work closely with you to assess your risks, provide insurance solutions, and offer guidance on strategies.

Based on our research and professional service industry knowledge, here are the best voluntary benefit offerings for your employees: short-term disability, critical illness, accident, permanent life & long-term care, legal, and identity theft.

Absolutely! MMA provides resources, webinars, seminars, and workshops to help educate your employees on various topics such as compliance, cybersecurity, and more.

MMA has extensive experience serving various professional service sectors including:

  • Accounting firms
  • Tax firms
  • Law firms
  • Design agencies
  • Marketing companies
  • Consulting agencies
  • Personal Service firms
  • Banks
  • Architecture & Engineering firms