Data-driven analytics, industry best practices, and a dedicated service team that drives a best-in-class retirement program.
Cost containment strategies
Plan sponsors need full visibility into every cost associated with their retirement program, and the ability to measure whether those costs are reasonable. We provide a complete cost analysis at every plan review meeting and benchmark the plan against national, normative data. Our evaluation covers investment expenses, recordkeeping costs, operational fees, and advisory services (yes, we even benchmark ourselves). In addition, we’ll periodically market the plan to obtain cost and service insights.
Investment due diligence
Thoughtfully constructing and monitoring the retirement plan lineup is at the core of what we do. We utilize a proprietary scoring system to assess each investment through quantitative and qualitative factors, focusing on attributes such as style consistency, risk/return characteristics, and share class analytics. Through a heavily documented process, investment due diligence and related changes are maintained by us in a fiduciary file for future reference in a plan audit.
Employee engagement
The average employee may have a variety of financial concerns and needs – between the rising cost of living, reducing debt, and planning for other goals, saving for retirement can feel overwhelming. Retirement education should include access to resources that address the entire financial picture, not just retirement. Our suite of retirement and financial well-being education offers content on a variety of topics. Additionally, if you offer your employees a health savings account (HSA), we educate on how the HSA can be a powerful retirement tool for one of the largest retirement expenses, healthcare.
We do more = You do less
We’ve tailored our service platform to significantly reduce the time commitment required from our clients to manage their retirement plans. Through the implementation of administrative and fiduciary efficiencies, our service model saves 18-20% of the time typically dedicated to the administration, governance, and day-to-day operational support of the retirement benefit. This translates to a valuable ROI for our clients, allowing them to redirect this time towards their organizational initiatives.
Advisory services that go beyond the lineup
We’re dedicated to delivering services that address the entire scope of the plan. We have the expertise and dedicated focus to support plan design, operations, compliance details, and anything in between.
Promoting a culture of financial well-being
Our approach to financial well-being involves breaking complex topics down into more digestible segments. Through short videos, our educational website and webinar channel, mobile app capabilities, and the promotion of recordkeeper resources, employees have access to content that can help them plan for retirement while managing their financial needs today. For an even more personal financial well-being solution, MMA’s ProsperWise™ offers one-on-one coaching in addition to web-based content.
Thriving together: Navigating the intersection of employee health and financial well-being
For many years, employee well-being and financial benefits have operated in distinct silos within workplace benefits packages. By aligning these crucial elements, organizations can foster a culture of well-being, creating a workplace where employees thrive and contribute to the organization’s overall success.
Financial well-being solutions for your workforce
MMA Prosper Wise is MMA’s proprietary financial well-being solution that provides education & guidance on a variety of comprehensive services tailored to your client’s employee needs. With MMA Prosper Wise, you can benefit from higher talent attraction and retention and more satisfied and healthier employees.
Frequently asked questions
Securities and investment advisory services offered through MMA Securities LLC (MMA Securities), member FINRA / SIPC, and a federally registered investment advisor. Main Office: 1166 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036. Phone: (212) 345-5000. Variable insurance products distributed by MMA Securities LLC, CA OK 81142. Marsh & McLennan Insurance Agency LLC and MMA Securities LLC are affiliates owned by Marsh & McLennan Companies. Investment advisory services for MMA Prosper WiseSM are offered solely as a Registered Investment Adviser through MMA Securities. Certain of our investment adviser representatives are registered representatives of MMA Securities. A copy of our written disclosure statement discussing our advisory services and fees is available for your review upon request. Please consult a tax professional for specific tax inquiries and recommendations.