MMA brings added value to your organization through thoughtful analytics. We believe what gets measured, gets better managed. By embracing data and applying analytic tools, we are able to help organizations better understand their performance, set goals for improvement, and aid in decision-making for program structure and risk tolerance. These insights also allow us to create impactful strategies when negotiating rate and collateral to produce the best outcomes.

Why are analytics useful?

  • Provide insight as to which program structure and deductible level is best suited for your organization.
  • Benchmark your individual coverage, limits, deductibles, and rates against your peers to compare with others in your industry.
  • Quantify the probability and severity of large loss events and identify appropriate limits.
  • Identify optimal program structure and financing solutions to lower your overall cost of risk.
  • Measure the financial impact and value creation of implementing risk management strategies

A few of our most widely used tools are summarized below:

If you would like more information on any of these tools, or to learn more about how we apply them to your program, contact a Marsh McLennan Agency (MMA) advisor.

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