Andrew Hesse

Senior Account Manager

As a child, what did you want to me when you grew up and how did you end up in insurance?

My dream was to play in a professional orchestra. Eventually, I was fortunate to realize that ream as a cellist. I learned that the life of a professional musician, while gratifying, comes with a lot of challenges, especially while raising a family.

After having our second child, I was ready to move into a career with long-term stability and great opportunities for growth. I knew that insurance had exactly that reputation. I liked the idea of helping provide our clients with the financial security they need to reach their own dreams.

How do you minimize risk and maximize health?

As an account manager, we are constantly reviewing clients’ operations and making sure their insurance programs meet their needs. Sometimes minimizing risk and maximizing health can be quite literal, like when I learn of a new activity that poses a danger to employees or property. Other times it focuses on financial risk and health, by ensuring that the client carries the coverage to be made whole in the event of a loss.

What’s something you’ll never do again?

I went climbing in Colorado once. Not “real” rock climbing, but hiking up a steep rocky hill that was off the trail. We made it halfway up and stopped to rest. I set my backpack down and watched it tumble down several hundred feet, bouncing on seemingly every boulder it went past. I’ve never been afraid of heights, but envisioning being that backpack was enough to put my climbing days behind me.

What do you love most about MMA Midwest’s workplace culture?

The culture of teamwork. When one person is struggling or just needs an extra set of hands, there are always five others jumping at the opportunity to help.